Monday, August 28, 2006

You Aren't Here

See all those boats? More than 2,000 of them. Look closely at C Dock South. See an O'Day 302 there? No? THAT'S BECAUSE THOSE F&*%^RS AT MARINE SERVICE CENTER HAVEN'T FINISHED THE WORK YET!

Cap'n Ron and I arrived at the yard in Anacortes at 9:30. By 11:00 they splashed the boat. By noon we were turning around because the prop wasn't working.

Bottom line? We lost one of the best sailing days of the year. The 'Hood is 2 weeks overdue and $1,000 over budget. GVB is PISSED. Mrs GVB called to yell at them and get a promise that they will be delivering my boat back to Everett for me next week.

On the plus side, I did sit on Allegro and entertain a six-pack of Mirror Pond.

Off to the Rose City tomorrow. I seriously doubt this trip will be as good as the last to that part of the northwest, but I will be dining (read: drinking good wine) with Ralph-o-matic on Wednesday.



GVB said...

I know at leat one person in addition to GVB who would be interested in working that bottle of Laphroaig with us...

GVB said...

The good news is that the person I am thinking of will first probably make a run through the Cragganmore 12 on the 'Hood.