Wednesday, July 19, 2006

FPP Was Here

The mysterious FPP emerged in Seattle, beers and various foodstuffs were consumed, and then FPP vanished via airliner back to Colombia (via Canada? Odd.)

I know he was here because I was out all night in Seattle on a Monday night and woke up somewhere near Westlake with a headache and a mostly empty wallet.

I also know he was here because my "Recent Calls" log includes several friends from NYC and New Hampshire.

I also also know he was here because at some point we were asking our waitress about her underwear choice (nice, sexy, dirty, or filthy sexy?) and which of the Friends girls she would sleep with.

Oh, and since Mrs. GVB has said to me twice in the last two days: "You're not in Grad School anymore, you know" I know FPP was here. Nothing will provoke an eye roll and dismissive hand gesture from Mrs GVB than the arrival of a Grad School friend in town.

So FPP is gone with a suitcase full of Victoria's Secret panties (ostensibly for his girlfriend back in Colombia, but I think we know better). Good to see you, brother. Don't get dead.

Where's my car?


Anonymous said...

I sent FPP birthday greetings after he blogged about being in the Hoh.. I envied him that.

glad you got to see him.

so this not-being-in-grad-school thing - this means some behavior alteration or something? grad school is a state of mind, not a term of service. That's right, isn't it?

GVB said...

Not-in-grad-school means that it is no longer acceptable to drink 5 pitchers of beer at the Swamp, crash a Chevy Luv into a car dealership and wake up in a booth at an adult video store.

Hugh G. Balls said...

Some of your grad school friends are all growed up, ya know. Lookee here...paragon of adult virtue and upstanding citizenship over here.

GVB said...

Adult virtue. Mmmm hmmm. That may or may not be true, Al, but the other records are against you here. Buck, FPP, Mohney, ain't looking good. And you have to admit, the grad school buddy drop-in is a guaranteed marital conflict. I know how much Mrs Al likes to find me passed out on the couch in the morning...

FppInternational said...

I think what the wives have a point, maybe, but if i still had that fucking chevy luv the marital bonds would be stretched to their very limit.
Being cool cruising around in GVB's new Audi ain't shit compared to fpp's most shitty of shitty rides.
Viva Santo!

Hugh G. Balls said...

Hey wasn't that a Chevvy Luv I saw on the boardwalk converted to a fixed gear?

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.