Sunday, April 23, 2006

And There Was Sun!

Thousands of Sun runners took to the streets of Vancouver this morning to celebrate the 22nd annual Vancouver Sun Run. And what a celebration it was with 50,746 participants entered in this year's race, making it the largest field to date. The previous record field of 49,743 was set in 2003.

I know I've shown you this photo before, but seriously, take a minute and look at it again. 50,000 people positioning for the start of the Sun Run. For someone who suffers from more than a little but of claustrophobia in large crowds (just ask The Colleague, who once saw me turn to a puddle of ooze in the hallways before commencement) this was still an amazing scene. About 5 minutes before the start I turned around and saw nothing but crazy Canadians stretched out for 5 city blocks.

More weekend details to come, but early returns are as follows:

45:55 overall time.

7:23 per mile.

I don't know what a "kilometer" is, but I averaged 4:36 per each of those.


Anonymous said...

If memory serves (always debatable at my advanced age), you met your per mile goal for the race, yes?

GVB said...

I wanted to run at least 8 minute miles. So, yes.

Hugh G. Balls said...

Good run dude. I'll bet your pasty and bald (I'd say balding, but you're beyond that) self got quite a burn, eh?

GVB said...

you'd be surprised at how well my ex-hair landscape has adapted to smooth skin exposure.

-Pasty Pink Dude from Seattle

Anonymous said...

Well, see, this is the problem, cuz I clearly remember the 8 minute part, but I also remember something about a desired 7:xx split. But I'm probably just confused.

Congratulations on a great run.

GVB said...

Thanks CAG.

I'd been training on 7:xx miles (but mostly 7:55 and the like). I figured I could do 8:00 with a nice push. Anything under was a win for me.

I don't usually race very well, so this was a good one. And fun. Much fun. Nothing like two days of travel for 45 minutes of running.