Sunday, April 02, 2006

Miles, Martinis, and Gay Men on Stage

Saturday...ahh Saturday in the GVB household. It was an easy run day for me, and I did my typical 3 mile route (9:15, 9:05, 8:54) in the morning, in the rain, in the wind. Ugh. The creeks be running high, Jeb. They gonna be overflowin'!

After NPAW arrived to save us from our children for the day, Mrs. GVB and I headed out for Seattle. While Mrs. GVB had lunch with her mother (and got a nice pedicure, Al. I can give you the number if you like) I dined and drank with The Former Student at a martini joint downtown. The Former Student likes her martinis, and she almost leapt over the bar when Clarence the Bartender grabbed the vermouth bottle.

Of particular entertainment value for me was introducing The Former Student to the mother of my wife. Mrs. GVB's mom stopped short of calling The Former Student a homewrecker, but just barely. Nice.

Two martinis makes an off-Broadway version of "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" fairly tolerable. The male lead, the Mrs. and I agreed, was smokin' hot, and the dude could sing, too. His boyfriend is a lucky man. Mrs. GVB is a major theater nut, so I get to see these darn things just about every weekend. This is the third time I've seen this particular show. It wasn't bad. After weeks of American Idol, it is refreshing to hear people who actually have vocal training and know their lines...

Sunday is a bike day. The Cap'n and I are heading east for a 30 miler. I am confident that my classes will prep themselves while I am gone.

1 comment:

Hugh G. Balls said...

I prefer online porn, myself. No chance of me putting the tool into my screen, and I get similar vicarious pleasure.