Monday, April 17, 2006

Math for English Majors

Got up at o-dark-thirty to get in my last real run before Sunday's Vancouver Sun Run 10k. (Ok,ok, I hit the snooze ONCE, but I was still at the trailhead by 5:30. Shut up.)

Cold and still dark when I set out, but I had me some good tunes and a fleece skull cap to cover my baldness. After a .5 mile warm up jog I set out to do a decent length out and back route.

Here's the math game. I'll give you the total time, you give me the distance and per mile pace:

Total Time: 47:28

Winner gets a half-used stick of Body Glide and a Malt Nut Powerbar that I found in my alpine pack from 1999. Yum.

1 comment:

GVB said...

You got it. Winner! Winner! I'll be sure to pack the Powerbar this weekend.