Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Brotherly Love

I'm in San Diego Again (Still?)!!??

So it happens that on my spring break I find myself at a conference in San Diego with DVB, my older, less attractive, totally more academic brother. DVB lives on an island in the Pacific, and flies 14 hours to be on the west coast.

I fly less than 3 from Seattle. We meet at baggage claim. Timing, baby.

I see DVB twice a year or so. This is his gig (everyone here knows him and all the female grad students seem to want him. On occasion that see my name and confuse me for him and turn their bad haircut/bad sandal affections on me. I manage to get some free drinks this way.

DVB and I did some obligatory beer drinking and pool playing in a hotel “bar” that looks more like a fairly nice fraternity basement than a bar.

On Tuesday I strapped on the New Balance and decided to see what the old body could do. We are marooned out near a mall called “Fashion Valley” (I couldn’t make this up) but there is a nice path and some side roads I can link together…

Not a bad one:

6 miles at just under a 9 minute pace. Heel feels good, and unlike Al B, no fluids building up behind my face.

Going to try a faster 5 tomorrow and a day of hills on Thursday.

On another more pathetic note: my iPod was lost somewhere between Seattle and Fashion Valley. Luckily, there is an Apple Store in the mall next door. I’ve always really wanted the Nano anyway.

1 comment:

GVB said...

The vasectomy. Right. Funny story about that...I never made it to that appointment.