Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Feet, I've Missed You

It's no mystery that I am secretly sabotaging Al B's efforts to get into running shape since I pounded my poor left foot into the Southern California desert. Every mile he logs pisses me off because I sit here with a race to train for and my size 32 Gap khakis digging into my gut.

So today I laced up the New Balance extra tight, fired up the iPod Shuffle (don't pretend like Van Halen isn't still cool as hell. You know they are) and set out for a short, easy run on the Rez.

I left the watch at home and just went. I don't care how fast it was. It was 3 miles in the rain and I loved it.

Foot feels good. I am hoping to get some road time every few days for the next week.

Good lord. Might I be ready for Sun Run after all? Shit.

1 comment:

Hugh G. Balls said...

No worries, Al B is squashed too. But he'll be back soon.