Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Some Clarity

Can we settle something here?

Just putting a drink in a martini glass does not make it a martini.

Chocolate and vodka? Not a martini. Peach Schnapps and gin? Not a martini.

A martini is top shelf gin and dry vermouth, shaken and served with a citrus twist. Vodka if you must. Olives if you're hungry (but truly you need both olives and onions).

Oh, and...

A Perfect Martini is not a "great" martini. A perfect martini is neither wet nor dry: it uses equal parts sweet and dry vermouth

Wait! One more thing:

A dry martini still has vermouth in it. Otherwise you're just shaking gin over ice.

Ok? Don't pretend like it doesn't matter.

Don't make me come in there.


GVB said...

I have a hard time with a beverage that is distilled with the goal of being completely tasteless and odorless. That is why we have water.

GVB said...

So now Al B from Long Island is refuting my martini claims, but he does so in the sidebar of his Blog so I can't respond? Chickenshit, I say.

We DO agree on one thing here:

Bombay Sapphire. I finer gin is hard to find.

Vodka still blows.